Now What?
We are so excited that you have decided to follow Jesus. But you might be thinking, "Now what?" While this is the best decision you will ever make, you may not know what to do next.
At Dayspring Church, we believe relationship with God and other people is important, so together we can help you take your next steps! Start below to see what is next and download your FREE GIFT.
At Dayspring Church, we believe relationship with God and other people is important, so together we can help you take your next steps! Start below to see what is next and download your FREE GIFT.
Grab a Bible and Start Reading
The first step to make is to get a Bible so that you can start reading it. You may have a friend or family member who can share their Bible or maybe you have one you can dust off.
Another easy option is to download a Bible with your smartphone.
Now that you have a Bible, it's time to start reading it. The Bible, both the Old and New Testaments, are inspired of God and are the revelation of God to humanity. The Bible provides wisdom and guidance on our faith and identity. It teaches us about God and what God says about us. The Bible is a great way to learn what it means to follow God.
Another easy option is to download a Bible with your smartphone.
Now that you have a Bible, it's time to start reading it. The Bible, both the Old and New Testaments, are inspired of God and are the revelation of God to humanity. The Bible provides wisdom and guidance on our faith and identity. It teaches us about God and what God says about us. The Bible is a great way to learn what it means to follow God.
Where do I start reading?
How do I read the Bible?
- There is no wrong place to start reading. Here are some good starters: Ephesians, Mark, Romans, or Psalms.
- Start a Bible reading plan on the YouVersion Bible App.
How do I read the Bible?
- Before reading, pray a quick prayer, "God, help me to understand your word so that I can know you better. In Jesus' name, Amen."
- Take notes when you read and highlight things that stick out to you.
- If you have questions, that's okay! Write your questions down and ask a pastor or another follower of Jesus about it. Look for other places in the Bible that address your topic. It's okay to have questions, God can handle it!
- Summarize with one takeaway by answering the question: What is one thing God is speaking to me today through the Bible?
Keep Praying
You have already prayed an important prayer - to start following Jesus - so don't stop there! Keep praying! It may feel uncomfortable at first, but just think of it as a conversation with God.
Here is a formula for prayer that might help you.
Use the word ACTS to guide your prayer:
End by praying in Jesus' name, amen.
Another way to pray is found in the Bible. In Luke 11, Jesus is asked by his followers, "How should we pray?"
This is Jesus' answer (usually known as the Lord's Prayer) from Luke 11:2-4
Jesus said, “This is how you should pray “Father, may your name be kept holy. May your Kingdom come soon. Give us each day the food we need, and forgive us our sins, as we forgive those who sin against us. And don’t let us yield to temptation.""
Here is a formula for prayer that might help you.
Use the word ACTS to guide your prayer:
- A - Adoration: give praise to God
- C - Confess: express your need for God and confess any sin you are struggling with
- T - Thanksgiving: thank God for all the blessings He has given you
- S - Supplication: submit any prayer requests to God
End by praying in Jesus' name, amen.
Another way to pray is found in the Bible. In Luke 11, Jesus is asked by his followers, "How should we pray?"
This is Jesus' answer (usually known as the Lord's Prayer) from Luke 11:2-4
Jesus said, “This is how you should pray “Father, may your name be kept holy. May your Kingdom come soon. Give us each day the food we need, and forgive us our sins, as we forgive those who sin against us. And don’t let us yield to temptation.""
- Prayer honors God
- Prayer focuses on God's will
- Prayer requests our needs to be met
- Prayer brings confession of our sins
- Prayer leads us to fogive others
- Prayer protects us
Join a Small Group
At Dayspring, we believe relationship with God and others is crucial to our next steps. Small groups are a way for you to connect with other followers of Jesus in a smaller setting. You can study the Bible together, pray for each other, and find meaningful, safe relationships. A pastor will reach out to share information on joining a small group.
Our Gift To You
Your gift from Dayspring Church is waiting for you. You are receiving free access to a huge, streaming, online, access-on-any-device library of over 10,000 video Bible studies, leadership videos and kids shows. To sum it up — it’s like the Netflix of Bible study videos. You will have FREE access to thousands of video resources to help you with parenting, marriage, discipleship and more.
With content for all ages and stages of life, additional family members can set up their own accounts as well. Just click this link to start watching right away.
With content for all ages and stages of life, additional family members can set up their own accounts as well. Just click this link to start watching right away.
If you have questions or want a pastor from Dayspring to contact you, reach out to us!