Day 3 - Wednesday, January 11, 2023
Matthew 11:29
“Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.”
We live in world driven by accessibility and information. There was a study done where two groups of students were given the same test, the same amount of time, the same room set up. The only variable different between the two groups- one group had their cell phones in their pockets, while the other group had to leave their cell phones in another room. The results of the test were the students who had their cell phones on their person performed better than the students who did not.
The study found the anxiety felt by the students who did not have their phones overshadowed their ability to perform well on a simple test. They were concerned with what they might be missing or who might be trying to contact them. Their mind would not focus on the important because they were focused on the what if.
This is true in most people. The what if’s of life often take up too much real estate in our minds. Rest becomes a four-letter word, literally and figuratively. When we feel there is no time for rest, we are telling God we know better for our lives than He does. Anxiety, worry, weariness all come out of this behavior. Our decision making becomes compromised and we lose our joy. When all these variable stack, we are danger.
This is why Jesus invites us to rest. What if’s lose their power in the presence of the I am. When we spend time, dedicated with Jesus, and rest the time is better utilized and the outcomes are more significant. If you left 2020, 2021, 2022 feeling weary, worn out, or tired- why not try something different in 2023. Rest is key. Take a sabbath weekly, give yourself margin, enjoy time simply being created by God. Rest is key in 2023.