Day 26

May 3, 2024

9 Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9

One of the technological advancements I’m most grateful for is GPS. I appreciate plugging in an address and getting clear step-by-step instructions. On the newest versions, they even tell you “Go past this stop light, then turn right at the next one.” I know what lane I need to be in, I know where to turn. I don’t have to guess. Even if I make a wrong turn, the GPS will find a new route.

I’ve found that I want the type of clear map in my walk with the Lord. I want to know the destination, every turn I’m going to take, and when to stop—I don’t want to guess. That’s not how faith works though. Sometimes we know the destination. Other times, we only know the next turn. Either way, it’s not about knowing the whole plan, it’s about trusting God. He’s guiding us and won’t abandon us.

Joshua didn’t know what was ahead of him, but he knew God was going to be with him. His job was to obey the Lord’s commands, be strong, and be courageous. God would do the rest.

Are you waiting for someone to tell you where to go next? Are you at a complete stop because you’re afraid of where to go next? Take time today to tell God you trust his plan, and ask for the courage to take the next step.


We don’t have to come up with a plan by ourselves. We get to partner with God and trust his leading, even if we don’t have the steps mapped out.