Day 22
Let us hold tightly without wavering to the hope we affirm, for God can be trusted to keep His promise. Hebrews 10:23
The game Telephone has probably been played be every one of us. Whether you were a child or it was an ice-breaker at a party, you’ve likely sat in a circle and whispered in someone’s ear or been confused by what was said in your ear. You sit with a group and begin by whispering a phrase or word to the person next to you. You say it quietly enough so no on else in the group hears, but loud enough to be heard. Then that person goes to the next person and repeats what they heard. This goes on and on until the final person proclaims the phrase they heard. And inevitably, without fail, the starting phrase does not match up with the final one. What was whispered goes through iterations of interpretation until the whole group has now heard something different. As the final person it was always easier to decipher the message if you know who started the message.
We’ve all misunderstood or misheard something before. It causes us to be confused or even question the source. Did I really hear that correctly? Is that what they meant? Where did that come from? What just happened?!?
Knowing the source of communication is key to trusting what has been said. The Bible tells us in Numbers 23 that God is not a man that He would lie or change His mind (vs 19). That is incredible news! We never have to doubt God’s promises.
Now, I haven’t done the count myself, but sources say (Google) there are between 6,000 - 8,000 promises found in God’s word. Because I’m skeptical – and the source is questionable – I think it’s fair to say there are thousands of promises in God’s word. Thousands of times the Holy Spirit whispers a truth to your heart, directly from God’s heart. And you can bank on every single promise to be true, because you know the source.
The enemy may try to confuse the words or interfere. When that distraction creates doubt, we have to remain unwavering in our belief that God is trustworthy. His words don’t fail. He never changes His mind. He will do exactly, 100%, everything He promises to you. You can trust Him.
It’s easy to become confused or doubt God’s goodness, but we know we can trust Him because He’s shown such great love for us through Jesus. Are there promises in scripture you need to re-learn or re-read because you’ve stopped trusting God? Open up His word, read those sentences and remind yourself that the source of the promises never lies.