Day 4

Apr 11, 2024

There are so many things in our day to day that can ask for my attention, my spouse, my kids, my job, serving, my children’s schedules, my hobbies, my in-laws, the chores, the bills, social media THE LIST DOESN’T STOP. It can be so easy to get caught up in the hustle and busyness of the day to day and if we can be honest. I wonder how many of us the first thing we drop unintentionally or not; is our alone time with the Lord. We let the noises of everything else ring louder than the one who can bring order and strategy to our days.

The first two things I do to set an order for my day are 1. Put the coffee on, then drink 8oz of water. 2) Spend alone time with the Lord. Drinking 8oz of water is new for me and kind of weird but it acts as the ignition to my day to lead me directly into my alone time with the Lord.

The time with the Lord looks different each morning, sometimes it is sitting in silence with Him, sometimes it’s worship or prayer. I do not move from that spot until I am satisfied with that time. Maybe it’s 5 minutes or 20 minutes, it could be longer, but I know that when I don’t have this time with the Lord, it makes it that much harder for me to hear his voice throughout the day.

Isaiah 30:19 says He will be very gracious to you at the sound of your cry; When He hears it, He will answer you.

If you have cried out to the Lord, He will answer you. God speaks clearly, He doesn’t aim to confuse His children, it could be that the answer for you has been given but the other things that are fighting for your attention might just be a little bit louder. Ask again and get consistent alone time until with Him so that you can clearly hear his voice.


When was the last time that you just sat with the Lord? I want to encourage you, over the duration of this next month to sit with the Lord and ask Him simply. “God, what would you have me do?