Day 6
Few things in the world are as awful as being the bearer of bad news. No one likes being the bearer of bad news. We enjoy being the ones who bring good news. We want to be the ones to bring smiles to people’s faces. It’s why comedians make so much money and people take pictures with their realtors when they close on a new home. No one takes a picture with the person they get into a car wreck with and then captions it, “This is my new friend Harry. We will be legally entangled for the foreseeable future after he totaled my car.” Instead, we stare at the car and simply say, “No. No, no, no, no no.”
The reality is this is where we find Isaiah. God has spoken to him and asked a question about who His representative will be to the people. And because of Isaiah’s newfound understanding of his personal condition of being a sinful man before a holy God, he responds quickly, “I’ll go be the representative!” Without knowing what the message would be!
I imagine Isaiah thought he’d get to bring good news to the people but ended up being the bearer of terribly horrible awful news…and went anyway.
When you hear God’s voice, do you only say yes when it’s something you expect or agree with? Or do you say yes even when it’s uncomfortable and not what you expected?
What’s your favorite yes to the Lord outside of salvation?
What has been the most challenging, yes?