Strengthen Day 13 - Friday - March 11, 2022

Mar 11, 2022

1 Samuel 15:22 reminds us “Obedience is better than sacrifice.”

Having been a parent, a grandparent and a caregiver of many children through the years, I have learned so much about the Father’s love and care for His children.  Our relationship with our children is comparable, on a smaller human scale, to God’s relationship with us. He longs to bless, guide, care for, and nurture us, just as we want to provide those same things for our children, grandchildren, and others in our circle.  I am convinced that having children is the best way to experience the amazing love of our Lord. I’ve learned of His mercy, forgiveness and sacrifice to me, and as a result I have been able to share those gifts with my children and others.

I must say, however, that obedience and listening to the voice of authority is vital for children to grasp. This truth allows for such sweet freedom in their relationships with their parents, teachers, and most of all, the Lord Himself. If we could learn the joy and benefits of respecting the voice of parents, grandparents and others in authority when we are young, just think how it would affect our ability to hear and obey the voice of the Father when we grow up.

Obeying our parents is a steppingstone to honoring the voice of the Lord.  Ephesians 6:1 says, “Children obey your parents, for this is right.“ It is preparation and training in obedience to Him!  It is truly a thing of beauty to witness children obeying their parents. Likewise, I am convinced the Lord is thrilled when we obey Him!!  The ebb and flow of mighty waters could not overshadow the sweet sound of hearing AND obeying His voice!  1 Samuel 15:22 reminds us “Obedience is better than sacrifice.“ It is so valuable for us to learn the importance and blessing of obeying God.

When we choose to disobey we sometimes face devastating consequences. Disobeying God is rebellion against Him.  We need to obey whatever God has told us in His Word. Charles Spurgeon said, “It is a blessed thing to be teachable as a little child, and to be willing to be taught of God; but it is a much more blessed thing still, when one has been taught, to go at once and carry out the lesson which the Master has whispered in the ear.”

Reflection: What has God taught me that I can do to strengthen HIS Kingdom?