Day 1
Are any of you hard of hearing? Let me ask it another way: do you ever hear someone or something only to realize that you didn’t understand or comprehend a word? I have a lot of trouble multitasking; some say it’s because of “selective hearing.” Lips are moving, and sound is entering my ears, but my mind doesn’t catch it for processing. Usually, this is because I choose to be busy “doing” something else and not fully “listening” to the message.
It can be frustrating for me and incredibly frustrating for those who expect me to be listening! How much more frustrating and maddening would it be if the message being conveyed was meant to save a life?
God was “frustrated” with Israel when he told the Prophet Ezekiel, “Son of man, you dwell in the midst of a rebellious house, which has eyes to see but does not see, and ears to hear but does not hear; for they are a rebellious house.” (Eze. 12:2, see also Isaiah 6:9). When the religious rulers rebelled against Jesus’s message, he quoted these same verses.
Do you ever get busy “doing Christianity” only to miss the message of Christ? How often have you heard, but not comprehended, the voice of the Holy Spirit in your life?
God told Ezekiel that not hearing is akin to rebellion. Ask our LORD to reveal His times and ways of communicating, which you have neglected. Only He can give us an attentive “hearing ear”!