Day 7: He sent His word!
When I was younger, I loved getting the mail. Who am I kidding I still love getting the mail. The anticipation of what could happen keeps me intrigued. Even amongst all the bills and junk mail, there could be a card or letter that comes and changes everything. This is how our day plays out as well. We are inundated with information. Words flood our inboxes, text messages, social media accounts. Some of those words are junk mail and others are seeds we’ve sown coming back to us. However, one word from the Lord can bring healing. Often we can let the words of others shape us more than we allow the word of the Lord to shape us. Where do you get your confidence from? Who do you let speak over your life? What do you listen to on social media? Words form worlds, and God’s word brings healing. Receive His word over your life today and see life brought to your spirit.