Day 17: Search Me Oh God
One of the most dangerous prayers in the entire Bible is the prayer for God to search us and to know our hearts. Nothing is hidden from God but He will not go where He is not invited. If we never ask God to search our hearts we miss out on His leading us to a better and healthier outcome. How do you know if your heart is hidden from God? A hidden heart is an anxious heart. A hidden heart is a suspicious heart. A hidden heart is a hurting heart. When we allow God to search our hearts He begins to replace anxiety with peace and roots out all and any wickedness. When this happens we can be led by God to a place of everlasting. Everlasting is a place of ongoing peace and certainty knowing your heart is firmly following God’s leading. Search me O God! Is more than a prayer it is a cry for alignment. Give God access to the parts of your heart that have been hurt, where anxiety exists, where doubt lingers, and watch Him bring you to places of peace that you have hoped.