Day 14: Divine Weapons
Did you know that you have access to divine weapons? In relationships, when dealing with culture, even your health you are not required to fight with the weapons and thought patterns of this world. Strongholds occur whenever the wrong weapons are used- but when we use Godly weapons we can demolish strongholds. Knowing God is the first step in this process. The way we view ourselves is how we view the world. If we begin to view ourselves outside of God’s definition we begin to access the wrong weapons. These weapons are more carnal and help set up strongholds. But when know God and apply that knowledge to ourselves we can access divine weapons that teardown the strongholds and build up godliness. Where does this start? In your mind. Take every thought captive and bring it to the obedience of Christ. How your thoughts go determines where your life goes. Don’t let your mind wander without an “in Christ” checkpoint.